
Tool for MicroBenchmarks for .Net

During the last term, when we were implementing many functions and doing our programming homework for DataStructure course, we faced with the below error for several times.

Error Message:
    Test '###' exceeded execution timeout period.

Which means that the code is using more time than what is specified. We have asked this question for many times, that “why this code has less execution time than the other?” or vice versa.
In the previous session of Design and Analysis of Algorithms course, we have been introduced a new tool, which helps us to calculate the time of different algorithms. This tool has been impelemented by Mr. Vance Morrison.
The main purpose of this project, is to compare the performance of different codes, and finally how to improve and make our code better.

The first assumption(mine)

My idea was to check the different ways for calculateing the sum of elements in an array. I’ve checked it using the following different methods:

  • Recursion
    • with tail
    • without tail
  • for
  • LINQ
    • .Aggregate()
    • .Sum()

And here are my codes:

public static int sumWithTailRecursion(int[] myArray, int length, int sum)
    if (length <= 0)
        return sum;
    return sumWithTailRecursion(myArray, length - 1, sum + myArray[length - 1]);
public static int sumWithRecursion(int[] myArray, int length)
    if (length <= 0)
        return 0;
    return sumWithRecursion(myArray, length - 1) + myArray[length - 1];
public static void MeasureAylin()
    int sum = 0;
    int[] myArray = new int[1000];
    int length = myArray.Length;
    timer1000.Measure("SumUsingTail", delegate{
        int res1 = sumWithTailRecursion(myArray, length, sum);
    timer1000.Measure("SumWithNonTail", delegate{
        int res2 = sumWithRecursion(myArray, length);
    timer1000.Measure("SumWith.Aggregate()", delegate{
        int res3 = myArray.Aggregate((ele1, ele2) => ele1 + ele2);
    timer1000.Measure("SumWith.Sum()", delegate{
        int res4 = myArray.Sum();
    timer1000.Measure("SumWithForloop", delegate{
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            sum += myArray[i];

The final result(the colored columne showes the average time which has been use foreach algorithm): mine The strange thing is that by using the tail-recursive function, time was not decreased. This link shows that actually there is not much difference between these 2 kindes of recursions, but tail recursion seems to be worse. Base on this link, there are two problems for non-tail recursion function.

The first issue is that we risk a stack overflow. If the recursion is too deep, it will eventually run out of the stack space and be unable to add a new frame. This scenario plays out in the case of inputs that are too large.
The second is that calculation starts from the base case, and we traverse the whole array to reach it. During that pass, we don’t do any calculations. Only after hitting the base case can we start adding the array’s elements to one another. We do so by going back to the first call. So, we pass the input array twice instead of once.

Now if we want to talk about LINQs. Sometimes they can be really helpful and easy to read, but it can not always make the performance better. And if we don’t know the implementation of a LINQ function, so maybe it is better not to use it. For example in this simple algorithm, a simple for loop works much faster than .Sum() and .Aggregate() mehtods. Also the difference between these 2 LINQ methods, can be because of their structure. Every time that .Aggregate() is called two variables(like ele1 and ele2) must be passed to it.

The second assumption(Aysa)

Aysa’s idea was to calculate the difference between using StringBuilder and string classes, for adding characters to an string. In the first delegate she used + operator to add a character to s. And in the second delegate, she created an object of StringBuilder then by calling the predefined function, .Append(), a new character would be added. Here are her codes:

public static void MeasureAysa()
    timer1000.Measure("StringConcatenationOperations", delegate
        string s = "x";
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
            s += "a";

    timer1000.Measure("Stringbuilder", delegate
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("x");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

The final result(the colored columne showes the average time which has been use foreach algorithm): mine There is a vast difference between the amount of times in this 2 cases, and obviously StringBuilder is better. For example in her example, which has a for loop with 1000 iterations, a plenty of memory and time is used, in the other words it means that a lot of strings have been allocated and discarded.
This link has a good explanation for its reason.

Strings are immutable. String concatenation creates a new string, needing more memory, and is generally considered slow. On the other hand, StringBuilder is designed to be appended, removed, etc.

Also this link provides more explanation about StringBuilder in .Net:

StringBuilder is an example of a mutable item. In C#, a StringBuilder is a mutable series of characters that can be extended to store more characters if required. Unlike with strings, modifying a StringBuilder instance does not result in the creation of a new instance in memory.
When you want to change a string, the Common Language Runtime generates a new string from scratch and discards the old one. So, if you append a series of characters to a string, you will recreate the same string in memory multiple times. By contrast, the StringBuilder class allocates memory for buffer space and then writes new characters directly into the buffer. Allocation happens only once.

The third assumption(Golbarg)

Golbarg’s idea was to the check whether it is better to precompute the values of conditions or not. She first has implemented a point class, then in a for loop, has initialized an array of points. In other for loop there is a simple if condition. The difference between these 2 codes is in min variable.

public struct point{
    public int X;
    public int Y;
    public point(int x , int y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;
public static void MeasureGolbarg()
    point[] points = new point[100];
    double min = double.MaxValue;
    Random rnd = new Random();
    double pish = 0;
    for(int i = 0;i< 100;i++)
        points[i] = new point(rnd.Next(-10,10),rnd.Next(-10,10));
    timer1000.Measure("coumputation on conditions", delegate
        for(int i=1; i<100; i++)
            if(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((points[i].X - points[i-1].X),2) + Math.Pow((points[i].Y - points[i-1].Y),2)) < min){
                min = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((points[i].X - points[i-1].X),2) + Math.Pow((points[i].Y - points[i-1].Y),2));
    min = double.MaxValue;
    timer1000.Measure("precomputation", delegate
        for (int i = 1;i< 100; i++)
                pish = Math.Pow((points[i].X - points[i-1].X),2) + Math.Pow((points[i].Y - points[i-1].Y),2) ;
                if(pish < min)
                    min = pish;

The final result(the colored columne showes the average time which has been use foreach algorithm): mine There is not much difference between these 2 values, but it shows that it is better to precompute the values outside of if condition.

The forth assumption(Melika)

Melika’s idea was to check 2 different LINQ methods for sorting a list and their running times:

  • .OrderBy()
  • .Sort()
public static void MeasureMelika(){
    Random random = new Random();
    List<int> Nums1 = new List<int>();
    List<int> Nums2 = new List<int>();
    List<int> Nums3 = new List<int>();

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        int num = random.Next(1, 1000);

    timer1000.Measure("List.OrderBy()", delegate {
        IEnumerable<int> c =  Nums2.OrderBy(x => x);
        foreach(var i in c){ Nums3.Add(i); }

    timer1000.Measure("List.Sort()", delegate {
        foreach(var i in Nums1){ Nums3.Add(i); }
    for(int i = 0; i < Nums3.Count; i++)

The final result(the colored columne showes the average time which has been use foreach algorithm): mine There is an important point about the first method. The output of .OrderBy() function is an Enumerable, and if we don’t Enumerate the output(in this example c) the compiler may ignore it, and in other words the sorting algorithm won’t be done completely.
And the other reason is that for .OrderBy() we must initialize it with a key(in this example x). And every time that .OrderBy() is called, the delegate will be called either.
But there is not such a thing in .Sort() function. The positive point is that, this method sorts our list in-place. But .OrderBy() returns an another version of our list. So for see the correct result, it’s better try to access the elements of both lists after sorting. For example in these 2 codes, she has written a for loop which increases each element of sorted lists. And as it’s shown in the picture, .Sort() function is better than the .OrderBy().

The fifth assumption(Zahra)

Zahra’s idea was to check the difference between .Contain(), .IndexOf() and .Split() predifined methods to find whether there is a certain string in a text or not.

public static void MeasureZahra()
    string text = "There is an old hawk in the sky. The sun is shining.";
    string word = "is";
    timer1000.Measure("string.Contain(word)", delegate
        bool find = false;
            find = true;

    timer1000.Measure("string.IndexOf(word)", delegate
        bool find = false;
        if(text.IndexOf(word) != -1)
            find = true;
    timer1000.Measure("SplitAndFind", delegate
        string[] str = text.Split(" ").ToArray();
        bool find = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                find = true;


The final result(the colored columne showes the average time which has been use foreach algorithm): mine As it is shown in the results, the first way is faster than the 2 other ways. The main result can be because of inner implementation of these 3 methods. There is also more explenation about this topic in this link.

Here is a link to the main blogpost. You can also download the source codes from here.

Team members:

  • Aysa Mayahinia
  • Melika Mohammadi fakhar
  • Golbarg Sepehrara
  • Zahra Tabatabaee
  • Aylin Naebzadeh



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Tool for MicroBenchmarks for .Net

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